Monday, November 16, 2009

All bad and no good TV makes Patrick a dull boy

Who else is sick of really crappy TV shows flooding the airwaves? Can I get a show of hands...?

God knows I am. My fiancee, bless her heart, has the worst taste in TV shows. Her favorite shows include - but are not limited to The Hills, Gossip Girl, Jon and Kate Plus 8, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, and The Girls Next Door.

All but one of the above are "reality" shows. Most reality shows are utter garbage, and are slowly but surely killing the scripted show. I trust that you noticed the quotations surrounding the word reality. That was no mistake. These shows are hardly based in reality.

Each reality show in the list is loosely based on actual scripts and ideas that the producers created and then are put into a staged, fake reality format. The worst among these shows is The Hills. FIlled with pompous, arrogant, spoiled rich kids that give other pompous, arrogant, spoiled rich kids a bad name - The Hills is a perfect example of what is wrong with TV these days.

Thankfully, it looks like a good majority of the reality show glut is slowly starting to dissolve away. The Hills is bound to end soon, and Jon and Kate Plus 8 only has one more painful left week until it fades away into rerun obscurity.

I hope we get back to well written, well acted, and well directed dramas and comedies soon. Some good examples of these kind of TV shows are LOST, V, Supernatural, Monk, Psych, Stargate Universe and The Office. I'm sick and tired of reality shows getting all the ratings and attention from TV viewers. It is time for good, scripted TV shows to make a comeback.

And we couldn't need them anymore than we do now. Please... save us.

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