Saturday, October 24, 2009


So, this is a journal post that I am excited about!  A couple of Friends and I are putting together a short, independent film titled, BRAINS.  It's a comedy about one zombie and his search for a meal.

I'm also in the process of creating a website so I can post my works on the web for anyone interested in watching them.  If BRAINS comes out good, I plan on making it into a webisode series with a new webisode premiering on my website every 3 months.  I would preferably like to release more than 4 webisodes  a year, but due to school and basically life in general, this may not be possible.

I've had a couple of ideas about what I want to name my website, but so far all of these domain names have been taken.  I want to name it something along the lines of _________ Productions, or ________ Entertainment.

I've also been playing around with Final Cut Pro 7 recently and have found a lot of neat little tricks that I could use to make my BRAINS film look that much better and cooler.  Right now I am only in the script writing stages, but I have also acquired some props and makeup that I plan on using for my BRAINS idea.

Stay tuned for more updates as they come.

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