Thursday, September 10, 2009

What I enjoy doing

So far for this journal, I have written some abstract pieces on what makes me tick and how I handle being creative in different artistic endeavors.  I also wrote about what inspires me to be creative and how I use that inspiration to create the things I do.

This time, I thought I might do something different and more practical.  I just want to detail what kinds of creative things I do and why I enjoy doing them.


Movies have always been my main passion, and I always wanted to be a writer.  When I was younger, I had no idea how movies were made and I was extremely pleased when I found out about the writing process that went into writing a movie.  I learned everything about screenplays: the format, the length, and technical aspects that needed to adhere to Hollywood guidelines.  I also enjoy writing novels (which I will discuss next) but what I find that is so unique about screenplays is how you can describe the way a scene comes together and it can influence the narrative.  An example of this would be a slow motion shot that, if described in a novel would just come across as silly.


Novels are far different than screenplays.  When I write a novel, I take advantage of the things that this format allows me to do.  When you write a screenplay, you have to usually keep it between 90 to 120 pages and this is quite a hindrance at times.  There have been so many times where I've had to cut things out of screenplays for the sake of keeping it at an appropriate length.  With novels, I am able to basically add in as many storylines and details as I want to without really worrying about the length.  I mean, The Stand by Stephen King is over a thousand pages for crying out loud.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


My fiancee and I just recently adopted a 3 month old puppy named Sadie.  She is just like any other young dog.  She's curious, silly, not house trained - yet - and has this absolutely undeniable energy that is just infectious.

The way she acts everyday is how I wish the creativeness that I know flows within me would come out on a daily basis.  Completely unhindered and without regard for the consequences.

It seems like everyone of her senses are constantly in overdrive.  She's always smelling the air, licking (taste) whatever she can reach, pawing (feeling) everything in the apartment, looking at us with her head slightly cocked to the left, or perking her ears up at the faintest of sounds.

She absorbs everything and doesn't let anything inhibit her in the slightest.  I believe if humans lived their lives like this, we would find so much more inspiration in the simplest of things in life.  From the way a tree sways in the wind to how a brand new puppy finds interest in seemingly everything around her.