Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What do I need to be creative?

In order to be creative, the main thing I need is inspiration.  This inspiration can come from anywhere but most of the time it will come from either one or more of the following: Films, television, books, and music.

And I'm not really talking about getting story ideas from the tales that the four mediums tell - although that does happen from time to time - but rather, the inspiration is more of a feeling I get while watching, reading, or listening to either one.

When I watch a good movie or television show, I get inspired by the emotions that the characters feel during the course of the show or movie, and I try to take those feelings and apply them to the characters that I have created in whatever creative endeavor I have chosen to start on any particular day.

When I read a good book, I look to take inspiration from the way the author uses intricate wordplay and beautiful descriptions to weave together a well told story.

When I listen to good music - whatever the genre - I close my eyes and pay attention to how the music makes me feel when it reaches a goose bump inducing crescendo or when it becomes quiet and subtle, making it possible to hear every instrument and the wonderful music each one can create.

All of these things constantly inspire me on a daily and even hourly basis, and really help me to strive to be creative as often as possible. 

-Patrick T. Sheridan

1 comment:

  1. Cool blog, Patrick. I know you get your inspiration from all of those sources, but I believe it is the creative juices that flow within you that lets it happen.

